NMJ announcement


Posted on Sep 1, 2022

The Nutritional Medicine Journal (NMJ) is a reliable and authoritative source of clinically relevant research for health professionals practicing nutritional medicine. All articles published in the NMJ undergo peer-review before acceptance for publication, helping ensure that publications are objective, accurate and evidence-based.

Nutritional Medicine Journal: A Peer-Reviewed Journal for Personalised Clinical Nutrition

The Nutritional Medicine Journal (NMJ) is a reliable and authoritative source of clinically relevant research for health professionals practicing nutritional medicine. All articles published in the NMJ undergo peer-review before acceptance for publication, helping ensure that publications are objective, accurate and evidence-based.

Articles are concerned with the translation of nutrition science to clinical practice and of high relevance to health professionals practicing nutrition.  Special emphasis is placed on nutrition practice that is personalised to individual characteristics, integrated with other healthcare interventions and disciplines, concerned with disease prevention and management by optimising biological health and function, and incorporates behavioural and lifestyle medicine.

Subject matter includes personalised therapeutic dietary interventions, the health effects of foods and food components, nutrient-based food supplements, integrative multi-component interventions, clinical and biomarker-based nutritional assessments, and lifestyle medicine in a nutritional context.

The NMJ is accessible, inclusive, and progressive. Articles are Open Access online and free to read without subscription charges or registration barriers, furthermore, publication costs are free for authors.

Readers are invited to follow the journal and subscribe to the Nutritional Medicine Institute monthly newsletter for new content and issue alerts. New issues are published quarterly, and new articles are made available online in advance.

Authors are invited to review publication guidelines and submit publications. The NMJ acts as a platform to help disseminate important experiences, discoveries, and advances in clinical nutrition while also building an important source of evidence.

Through the publication of research that is highly relevant to health care professionals, the NMJ ultimately endeavours to raise awareness of nutrition-related disease, evidence-based benefits of clinical nutrition, and help people by improving health outcomes.

See the journal here