New Event: Immune Resilience, Rejuvenation and Recovery 22 May 2021


Posted on Mar 24, 2021

Immunological health is the topic of the times, and accordingly NMI are hosting a conference featuring international experts in this specialist area.

New Event: Immune Resilience, rejuvenation and Recovery.

Immunological health is the topic of the times, and accordingly NMI are hosting “Immune Resilience, Rejuvenation and Recovery: Understanding Modifiable Risk Factors for Viral Illness,” a conference featuring international experts in this specialist area.

Opening the event, Dr Jeffery Bland, co-founder of the Institute of Functional Medicine and founder of the Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute, provides a keynote presentation on new concepts in immune resilience and rejuvenation.

“There is now evidence that certain lifestyle and environmental factors can serve as immunoadjuvants. Once identified, these factors can lend themselves to specific personalized intervention that is focused on renewal of immune system function, as well as increased resilience.” – Dr Jeffery Bland PhD

Dr Samuel Yanuck, functional immunologist and founder of Cogence Immunology explores a model for a practical, integrative approach to viral illness. And a breakout session on micronutrients and the immune system features simultaneous talks on some of the most important recent research regarding clinical relevance and application with William Grant PhD, Patrick Holford BSc DipION and Clinical Nutritionist, Robyn Puglia.

Aristo Vojdani PhD, a pioneer in immunology and environmental medicine provides new insight into environmental factors, inflammation, immune dysfunction and autoimmunity. And Deanna Minich PhD, from the Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine Graduate Program, University of Western States covers concepts related to her recently published research on nutrition and lifestyle practices for strengthening host defence.

Several modifiable biological risk factors for viral illness are emerging as important for optimising resilience. Biomarkers of health, diet-related factors, nutritional status, and lifestyle behaviours can provide actionable opportunities for health promotion. With this overarching theme the conference brings together information that has the power to inform, inspire, and translate to better health care.

See the full event here

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