Editorial Board
Lorraine Nicolle, MSc
Centre for Nutrition Education & Lifestyle Management,
England. Institute for Optimum Nutrition, England. BCNH College of Nutrition & Health, England.
Leaving behind a successful career in corporate communications, Lorraine decided to retrain as a nutritional therapist, and has now been in clinical practice for 18 years. She sees clients from her London clinic (and via video link) and particularly enjoys working with individuals who have chronic, long term conditions like gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune conditions, hormonal issues (including menopausal problems) and musculoskeletal complaints. She also supports clients with cancer, both during and after medical treatment.

Once in practice, Lorraine went on to do a MSc in Nutrition and Chronic Illness at Middlesex University/ CNELM. Then a post-grad teaching certificate; and since then some training with the Institute of Functional Medicine.
Lorraine has undertaken various teaching roles in nutrition, including 5 years at West London University. Currently she lectures at three UK colleges (BCNH, ION and CNELM) on undergraduate and postgraduate nutrition science and practice degree courses.
She has a long history of working with various nutritional healthcare organisations, providing practitioner education and developing CPD events. Lorraine is also a SANT-accredited clinical supervisor, undertaking clinical supervision and mentoring sessions for nutrition practitioners.
Lorraine has author-edited three books on personalised nutrition (Biochemical Imbalances in Disease, The Functional Nutrition Cookbook and Eat to Get Younger) and she is the series editor for a set of books for practitioners. This series includes Mitochondria in Health and Disease by Ray Griffiths; and Case Studies in Personalised Nutrition by Angela Walker. The latest book Nutrigenomics for Healthcare Practitioners by Anne Pemberton is due for release this year.