Editorial Board
Dr Michelle Barrow, DProf
Centre for Nutrition Education & Lifestyle Management, England.
Dr Michelle Barrow, DProf is the Academic Team Director and Clinical Director at CNELM. Her roles also include BSc (hons) Nutritional Science Programme Leader, Institution Link Tutor, Lecturer, and Research Supervisor. Michelle thoroughly enjoys supporting students to achieve their aspirations and goals. Her passion comes from overcoming her own health issues using nutrition. Michelle strives to develop the evidence base to support personalised nutrition practice through her academic work, research supervision, post-doctoral research, and publication. She completed a Doctorate in Professional Studies (DProf) in 2019, titled “Leading transformation in Personalised Nutrition Practice”. Her doctoral research included the construction of clinical tools to enable the development of a new case-by-case evidence base for personalised nutrition practice in obesity management.

Michelle continues to work on the development of robust translational bioinformatics tools, using pathophysiological reasoning and systems biology approaches, as they are key to achieving evidence based personalised nutrition practice. She is published in numerous scientific journals, including Autoimmunity Reviews, Nutrition Reviews and Current Research in Food and Nutrition. Michelle is a Registered Nutritional Therapist and was awarded fellow membership with the British Association of Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) in 2017 for outstanding contribution to the profession.